Tips and tricks to pick up woman and attract girls

I have been hanging around at clubs and singles bar for about 3 years now and want you to share the experiences I've had. If you want to know the basics on picking up woman and some advanced techniques to make girls stay then you have come to the right place!

I have aimed a number of articles in this site at singles who want to learn about the methods that I used. Having a set of well proven methods defined means that you can easily do enough practice to be ready to seduce any women you want in a few months.

Being a great seducer means using the appropriate technique to maximize the success rate and able to bypass subconscious defenses and barriers built into women's mind in order to "protect" herself from men who try to "pick them up"

  • you need to know how to overcome woman's rejection
  • increase a woman's interest
  • gain immediate respect
  • get women's phone number without asking for it
  • try to avoid tragic mistake nearly all men make when they first meet a women

I have included all the basics on equipment and some more advanced techniques on how to pick up girls on this site so click around and enjoy!

Here's a little intro to pick up women techniques :

I guess most of us have been meeting saleswomen in our workplace or department stores. When they try to sell us something, this is the right time to know them and even ask them out for a date. The most famous piece of technique (and still one of the best to practice on) is the Card Method. This method allows us to get their phone number without much barriers. She is willing to give you !

Just let her start all her sales pitch and later shows that you are interested in knowing more by asking sensible question. After that, try to end the conversation by pretending you are in hurry. Then tell her you are interested in more details and request for a business card and contact her later.

Your next step is to call her again arranging where to meet for lunch or dinner. I must admit that this is a sneaky way but we need to grab hold of all opportunity that comes our way to meet and attract beautiful women.

Have a look at the links at the bottom if you want to know more about how to use different types of seduction techniques to pick up girls.

Site Map
Links to all my pages

Successful first dates tips
Things you should avoid on first date

Cheap Date Ideas
Ever wonder where to go in order to have a perfect and cheap date ?

Good pick up lines
The most common and effective pick up lines.

How to ask a girl out on date
Be prepared if you faced this scenario when asking a girl out.

How to approach woman
Step by step guide to get women phone number and impress them.

How to be more attractive
Suitable hair style and clothes that can make you look best.

Nice guys finish last
It is important to understand why nice guys finish last and why they probably always will. Is being a "nice guys" a problem ? Nice guys vs jerk

Do pheromones work
Is this magic potion really effective ? 

How to Give Woman What They Want
Ever wonder what is woman thinking and what they want in man. 

Free Dating Tips Subscription
Compilation of tips and tricks which I learn from "Member Only" site that I can't publish openly here.

Dating tips and info sites I recommend
Links to useful dating sites

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Visitors feedback and suggestion about this site.

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How To Ask A Girl Out On Date

You met her, you talked to her, you got her number and, so far, everything is going great. But now comes that awkward point, …

How To Ask A Girl Out For Date

If it is a girl you are really interested in your mind might be filled with doubts and insecurities :

What if she says no ?

Am I trying to move too fast ?

Maybe she thought we were just friends and she will be offended if I ask.

All of these fears, although natural and common, are dumb. If you want a date with this girl you have the right to ask her out. Don't allow your life to be ruled by doubt and insecurity.

So what are the best ways to ask a girl out ?

There are several cheesy techniques you can use to lower your chances of rejection (such as making a bet with a girl and the loser has to make them dinner) but these kinds of games are unnecessary. If you are straightforward, and don't beat around the bush about what you want, a girl will respect and admire your confidence.

Optimally, you would ask her in a face-to-face setting. However, if that is not possible, either because the opportunity won't present itself or because you aren't confident enough, your best alternative would be over the phone.

Avoid, at all costs, asking through email or any other written medium (Instant Messenger, a note, etc.). Not only do these methods scream "CHICKEN!" they also leave behind a paper trail that may or may not come back to haunt you.

One way to avoid looking like an idiot is to have something in mind to say for these three possible reactions to your question so you won't be caught off guard :

If she says "yes"

Have a plan in mind; know your schedule and have an idea to suggest.

If she says "no"

Don't act shocked or offended. Just be like, "Alright." Then carry on the conversation as if you never asked. Be friendly and polite. Too often guys take a "no" personally and get ticked off. Girls don't admire or respect a negative reaction. The fact that you were able to brush off her rejection so easily may actually raise her interest.

If she says "some other time"

Have a plan B in case she is busy. If she still acts like she has too much to do it's probably because she's not interested and doesn't want to hurt your feelings. Accept it as a rejection and move on.

Of course, you go into it expecting her to say "yes" but it's, as with most things in life, it's important to be prepared for the worst. 

Tips on how to ask a girl out

The real key to getting women to say "yes" when you ask for the date IS TO MAKE SURE THAT THEY ARE ATTRACTED TO YOU.

If a woman is attracted to you then why wouldn't she want to go out on a date with you ? It makes sense but most guys don't think of it that way... they miss the point and focus on "how to ask" rather than focusing on raising her attraction. 

Personally, I tried some techniques mentioned in How to Ask Girl Out report. It works well for me. Give it a try.



How to Give Woman What They Want

That's the question isn't it ?

What are women looking for in a man ? You've heard some of the most common ideas : 

  • Tall

  • Dark

  • Handsome

  • Rich

  • Etc

Luckily for you and I, this isn't necessarily what they are looking for at all. If it were, only about 1% of the male population would be successful with women since only about that many men fit that "ideal" description.

Here's the truth : 

A woman wants a man that can make her feel like a million bucks.

Think about it for a second.

If you can make a woman feel like the absolute queen of the world when she is with you, she will never want to leave your side. She will be almost magnetically drawn to you by her need to feel that way.

This is true because women are much more motivated by their feelings than men who, on the other hand, tend to be much more logical and process oriented.

If you can consistently impress a woman with overwhelmingly positive feelings things like your appearance, financial situation, and height just won't seem to matter to her anymore.

How do you instill these positive feelings I speak of ?

Well, that is the trick isn't it ?

There are 3 things that come into play :

  1. How you present yourself

  2. What you say

  3. Her situation

Now, you can't really control her situation so let's focus on the first two; how you present yourself and what you say.

There are many powerful and effective techniques and strategies that you can employ that will raise her interest and overwhelm her with positive feelings. I don't have nearly enough room in this report to go into all of them so for now I will address the bare bones basics.

How you present yourself

Present yourself as a man. Women want men. Don't allow popular culture to strip you of your masculinity. Women are seeking the ideal man, who is confident, self sufficient, respectable, etc. They do not want someone who is insecure, desperate, and intimidated.

Curiously, the latter is the exact image that most men portray to women !

Nothing is less attractive to women than desperate, unconfident men.

Typically, when a man approaches a woman he becomes nervous, insecure, and unconfident portraying himself as the exact opposite of what women wants. This is due to a lack of understanding and can be easily remedied with the right knowledge. With the right knowledge you will feel competent and in control. This will be evident to the woman and she will be attracted to this unmistakable air confidence that you exude.

Desperation and neediness is the Achilles Heel of otherwise successful men. Women can sense a needy man without even having to talk to him. Learn how to kill the feeling of neediness that you are, without realizing it, putting off and your success rate with girls will literally double (if not triple).

I have coached many men who were considered to be attractive and well off. They would have been extremely successful with women their only problem was that they were, unknowingly, communicating to women that they were desperate and that they really wanted to get with her.

Women are repelled by desperation.

When you act desperate the woman instinctively pulls away. It's all part of the game right ? You pursue, she chases ?

How about no ? How about you stop chasing and she won't pull away. In fact, learn to play your cards right, and you can totally switch roles with her. You can have her chasing you… but I save those secrets for my members

Next …

What Woman Want From Man

We (men) tend to focus too much on words and when we talk to women. Remember what I said earlier? Women base things on feelings and men base things on logic.

You need to start thinking of your words as nothing more than a tool to make a woman feel a certain way. When you are talking don't focus on the conversation. Instead, focus on what effect the conversation is having on her.

Is what you are talking about making her feel good ? Is what you are saying increasing her interest in you? Is what you are discussing inducing positive, happy feelings for here ?

I hope so because she will associate whatever she is feeling with, guess whom? That's right, you.

Here are some guidelines for conversation that will keep her feeling good :

Don't discuss negative things, which would arouse negative emotions

Keep her talking about herself (everyone likes to talk about themselves)

Use her name (everyone likes to hear their name)

Do NOT compliment her too much (remember what I said about desperation? Compliments can work against you very easily)

Don't be afraid to disagree (nobody respects a yes man, show her you have some opinions and a backbone every now and then)

Don't seem too interested (which would be a sign of desperation)

So, we have established that a woman wants a confident man who isn't desperate. A man who is confident and not desperate is perceived as 

  • Valuable

  • A provider

  • In demand

  • Competent

  • To sum it up... attractive

The very things that will make her feel impressed by your presence. Are you noticing the importance of these feelings yet ?

For now, you can focus on mastering these basic principles I have outlined in this report. After that, if you really want to learn how to be successful with women and be in control of your love life you should strongly consider joining my member's area where I reveal the really cool stuff.


Revealing dating secrets that I compiled from MEMBER ONLY sites.

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Successful first dates tips

  1. Arrive on time
    Not too early, not too late, right on time. This indicates to her that you have your stuff together.
  2. Be polite
    Be polite to her and everyone else you encounter (waiters, movie attendants, etc.). No one likes or appreciates a jerk.
  3. Relax
    If you sense that you are getting nervous take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that you are the man and that you are deciding whether or not this girl is worthy of your time. It is important that you concentrate on just having fun. This girl likes you or she wouldn't be with you right now.
  4. Tip well
    A sign of class. Never, ever skimp on a tip. Tip at the very least 15%.
  5. Be decisive
    Have a plan. You absolutely MUST avoid, at all costs, ever saying, "I don't know what do you want to do?" Don't second-guess yourself, make excuses or apologize every time you make a small mistake.
  6. Shut-up
    Try to keep the conversation focused on her. She should do about 70% of all the talking. It is a well known fact that most people enjoy talking about themselves and dislike hearing someone else talk about themselves too much. You may be tempted, if the conversation starts to run out, to tell her all about your family, your pet dog, etc. but you MUST restrain yourself.
  7. End on a good note
    Say something funny and then get out of there. Don't wait for the date to become boring. If you sense that things are winding down it is better to end while everyone is in a good mood than to risk waiting until she is tired, bored and annoyed.
  8. Don't be afraid to disagree
    Don't be afraid to say the word "no" or "I disagree" on a date. Women like to know that you have a backbone and will NOT like you more if you are a "yes man" (a.k.a. "doormat")
  9. Don't act needy
    Very few things will drive a woman away faster. You don't have to be right by her side the whole night and don't be afraid of talking to other people. Also, don't act possessive if she decides to wander away and talk to someone else.
  10. Be mindful of non-verbal communication
    Don't get tense because this is a big indicator of a lack of confidence. Stand up straight, articulate, look her (and everyone else) in the eye. Women don't like to think that their man is easily scared and intimidated. 

Learn more successful dating tips from Instant Attraction Program.

Revealing dating secrets that I compiled from MEMBER ONLY sites.

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Successful first dates tips    Good pick up lines for guys   

How to ask a girl out on date    How to approach woman   

How to be more attractive    Nice guys finish last

Do pheromones work     Cheap date ideas   

How to Give Woman What They Want

How to Get Girls

How To Pick Up Women



In this issue:

o "Meeting 4x More Women"
o  Women Persuasion & Conversation Mastery
o  Getting Women Without "Head Games"
o  Being The "Hard To Get Man" Women Compete And Fight For
o  Your Comments, Feedback


o "Meeting 4x More Women"

I've been doing coaching for as long as I can remember now,
and it still amuses me to see how guys are still writing in,
always asking & looking for that one special "trick" or "line"
that would ultimately get them to "seal the deal" with the
women their eye-ing for.

Of course it's totally understandable for us as humans to
crave for "quick-fixes", as opposed to taking the traditional,
much slower route of banging against the wall, making mistakes,
learning from those mistakes, analyzing what went wrong,
refining & then "sharpening" those skills to mastery.

But the reality of it is, whether you like it or not, mistakes are
ESSENTIAL to accelerating your learning process.

As long as you're trying something new, as long as you're
doing something you've never done before, there will always
be a possiblity for you to fumble and make mistakes.

You might get nervous, you might say the wrong things, you
might get clumsy and do the wrong things; this is where
most guys beat themselves up but understand that the
reality is that it's OK.

Mistakes happen as you're out of your comfort zone. It's an
annoyingly umcomfortable feeling at first, but that's
exactly how you expand your horizons and grow.

That's how WE as humans grow.

Getting rejected, banging your head on the wall, etc is
something you MUST go through in order to get better at
this game.


... no shortcuts.

Now, as men OF COURSE it sucks getting rejected, blown off,
made like a fool in front of the women we like when things
don't go our away.

"How could I be sooo stupid!"

It kills our egos, it burns our confidence, it shakes our
self-belief, it sucks the life out of us, the energy inside us,
it makes us feel useless, powerless... but you know what?

There are NO mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves, no
matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we
need to learn; whatever steps we take, they're necessary to
reach the places we've chosen to go.

Two things:

1) Understand that no experience comes labeled. You are the

The power to choose is yours! As William Shakespeare said,
"Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so". You and only
you are the labeler of your experiences. Do you complain that
roses have thorns or do you rejoice that thorns have roses? You
have the ability to choose your reactions.

All too often, these decisions to label are not done consciously
and your internal dialog will slap on a negative label. You must
be aware of this and change it immediately. Realizing your
ability to label is an awesome power and a great step towards
success. Upon taking control, you can select empowering labels
in place of the negative ones. You are in control of the

2) Avoid blaming yourself for making mistakes.

The road to success is always under construction. Every morning
we awake to a day we have never seen or experienced. Mistakes
will be made and obstacles will appear. You have no control over
these events but you do control your reaction to them. It is
important that we forgive ourselves for making mistakes.

We need to learn from our errors and move on. It is when we hurt
that we learn. The power to choose how much we learn is ours.
Do you see a stumbling block or a stepping-stone?

You decide.


Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to
practice being brave.

Think about it: If you don't make mistakes, you don't make

So the next question that normally comes after this is "But I
hate that feeling and I don't ever want to go there... what it
does is it kills me... and it's not easy taking blows, one after
another... it's the aftermath, the dealing with it that's the

Yes, it's true, it is DAMN hard... no one says life was fair,
nor is it easy...

But here's the thing: A man's errors are his portals of
discovery and "experience" is the name every one gives to their

Now, of course I'm not asking you to actively go out purposely
looking for rejections, all I'm saying is that it DOES happen,
and you've got to be ready to face it when it does come and NOT
run over to the corner, cry and complain that this isn't what you've
signed up for.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

Do you want to be that guy?

Do you?

Ok... so right now you're probably thinking to yourself:

"Wow, that's interesting. I sure wish there was a resource
available that could show me hundreds of great ideas like
that... so I could know exactly what to do from when I first
meet more women; from the first date... all the way up until we get
physical and beyond..."

You can get it here:

If you wan to know how to "get" the SUPER attractive ones;
exotic dancers, strippers, basically women who get hit on by
men A LOT, you can learn it from the "black book" before it
gets banned:

And before I forget, if you are in your 30s, 40s, 50s, or
even beyond, and you want to hook up with hot young women,
have you ever felt any of these before?:

- "I don't know how to talk to younger women..."

- "I want younger women, but I'm afraid I'd feel bad about
myself if I went after them..."

- "I'm afraid I'd seem creepy, or immature if I went after
younger women," and...

- "I don't want to look like a fool, or be laughed at."

If you've felt "stopped" with younger women - for ANY reason
- I HIGHLY recommend you to check this out:

One last thing, if you've always wondered how to
turn a friend to be YOUR GIRLFRIEND, this program will help
you to do EXACTLY that:

Talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

Simon H


o  Women Persuasion & Conversation Mastery

    If you have "problems" trying to open up a woman who's
closed off, cold and aloof as she may be, download this to
learn how to control the flow, calibrate with her emotional
state, get her to open up & give herself ENTIRELY to you within
minutes of talking to her:


o Getting Women Without "Head Games"

Ever been in a situation where you were talking to a woman
you liked, and you wanted her to feel MORE for you, to see
you as an ATTRACTIVE, SE.XUAL man but didn't know exactly how?

Women are DEEPLY attracted to men who are R.E.A.L (not one
who PRETENDS to be someone they're not)... it's a form of
'sexy' communication women secretly CRAVE for... but NEVER seem
to get as men RARELY understand them...

Check this out:


o  Being The "Hard To Get Man" Women Compete And Fight For

    Watch this video and you'll learn exactly how and why
'bad boys' ALWAYS seems to get the hot.test women around, bring
them home and go 'all the way' with them soo easily without
ANY form of rejection.

    Bad boys ultimately understand that the 'key' to
creating attrac.tion with women is by EMOTIONALLY STIRRING
them, keeping them on their toes wondering "whats going to
happen next" with the guy she's with. It's fun, it's
UNPREDICTABLE, it's sooo 'dangerous' they can't help but to
LOVE it even more!

    You can download your own copy here:



o  Your Questions, Comments, Feedback

I'd like to hear from you!

PS - If you have any suggestions on what you'd like to know &
learn more off in our future newsletter issues, or if you'd
like to send share me a success story, question, or comment,
just write them here:

Don't forget to include in your initials and do tell me where
you're from!

P.P.S - Do ALL your single friends a favor - FORWARD this
newsletter to them, they'll surely love you for it...

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