One Night Stands - Why Women Are Open To It:
Marni (Your Wing Girl) <>
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To:Deji <>


"I could have a one night stand, and I'm the kind of girl who
looks over in the morning and is like, 'Do you really have to
be here?'

I don't need to cuddle and do all that stuff because I know
what it is and I don't try to make it more... I feel like a lot
of women try to make it into more, so they don't feel so bad
about just wanting to have sex.

I don't really have a problem with just wanting sex. Never have...
I just wanted to see what it was like to be with different people.
I don't think a girl's a slut if she enjoys sex". - Jessica
in "Cosmo"

There's a common misconception that only a wanton slut, a
Desperate Housewife, or DeDe the Dogfaced Girl would be the
kind of woman open to a one-night stand. 

But many desirable women, Jessica Alba included, aren't afraid
to satisfy their needs with no strings attached. 

Truth be told, a vast majority of women have enjoyed a single
night of passionate, no rules, no meaning, simple satisfying

In the past we may not have admitted, even to our girlfriends,
that we'd indulged in a one night stand for fear of being labeled
and judged. 

But more and more women are embracing their own empowerment
and sense of fun and adventure, while choosing to leave the
judgments and labels in the dark ages where they belong.

We're all aware of the stereotypes of a weepy woman waiting
by the phone for her one night stand wonder to fulfill his
empty promise of "I'll call you..." or the wannabe-wife who
believes a night of sex translates into choosing a caterer
and color theme for the wedding. 

While these stereotypes are often the antithesis of real women,
their desires and intentions, more than a few of us have had
her feelings squashed by that troglodyte who wrote a check
his ass couldn't (and never meant to) cash.

After a couple of these disappointments, some women determine
to not be let down again by any man. 

She starts calling the shots, deciding with whom and when she
wants to get laid; she becomes the architect of her own

Rather than finding herself panicked and lonely, the woman
unafraid to love 'em and leave 'em indulges in a night of
passion and then simply goes on leading her full life. 

Presented with the choice, she turns a one night stand into
an experience instead of a disappointment.

For other women, spontaneity is simply a way of life. 

This type of girl grabs opportunity by the balls and rides
it for all its worth.  This type of adventure-girl believes
life is too short to let an exciting opportunity pass her by. 

The right guy, the right place, and the chance to regale her
girlfriends with another fantastic story, is too irresistible. 

This is her moment to enjoy her body and her sexuality with
the right person to satisfy her needs at that time. 

Waiting around for a one night stand to take her out to
breakfast is not her style.  For the adventure-girl, what
happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.  Even when she's in

Women are open to a one night stand on innumerable occasions,
each with her own reason or for no reason at all. 

She might be too busy to be tied down by a long-term commitment
or maybe obligations make her feel trapped.  Perhaps she's
living out a lifelong fantasy of going home with a sexy stranger. 

She might be on the rebound, unready for all the banal complications
that come with dating someone new, but eager to sample some fresh
flavors of men. 

Or maybe she just wants what Erica Jong termed a "zipless fuck":
Unapologetic sex with no stings attached, pure and free of ulterior
motives and power plays. 

With no emotions involved, she's able to get out of her head
and truly enjoy the chance to leave behind all the contrived
rules about romantic encounters and just have wild, hot,
meaningless sex.

In between searching for our soul-mate and getting our hearts
broken, who couldn't use zipless screw now and then?

Here is your chance to listen to 2 women talk about their
experiences with a one night stand, why we had a one night
and what makes us want to have a one night stand! 

As I started to do research on the topic, I found that even
though this stuff was right out "in plain sight", no one had ever
really noticed or DESCRIBED it.

To make a long story short, I took this new "secret" information
that I discovered, and put together an entire program to teach it
to other guys...

As far as I know, this is the ONLY program of its kind ever created.
In fact, I get emails all the time from guys who say that just
one time through this program instantly changed their views
on women and attraction... and allowed them to spark
attraction and build "chemistry" or "sexual tension" with women in
every type of situation... IMMEDIATELY.

Sexy Communication is what I call it. women LOVE it. And
if you wanna know it's done, you can download it here:

I'll talk to you again soon.



3 Ways To Flirt & Tease Younger Women, friend
Simon Heong <>
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To:deji <>

Hi friend,

Last week, a girl friend of mine said she noticed how it was
always the OLDER men who seemed to strike up interest with
younger women.

It is the older men who know how to be playful.

Being fun and playful is one of THE most important things for
older men. It is one of the aspects of older men that women
find MOST appealing.

A lot of older men know how to be playful and flirty around

The young, buff stallion with the body of Adonis--but nothing
interesting to say--can't compete with the suave, playful older
gentleman who can make her feel fun and sexy.

So how do you learn to be playful around amazingly cute young
women, if you aren't already? 

Perhaps you even know that you should be playful with her.

Maybe you've heard this before. 

Perhaps you mapped everything out in your mind. You pictured
yourself being cool, relaxed and fun. She's laughing. You're
laughing. Well played!

But then comes the reality. You get in front of her and your
body locks up. You become completely inhibited. 

Your mind goes blank. Your heart starts to race.

You start acting weird. Creepy.

"Oh my god," you think. "What's wrong with me?!"

It's okay.

This is natural.

Becoming good with women is more akin to learning a physical
activity, like bike riding or swimming, than learning a mental
activity, like math or chess.

Your body needs to be relaxed and uninhibited so that you can
be yourself: that cool, fun self that women will be attracted

The best way to do this is to practice. And know that you
will mess it up--at first. That's okay.

You will fall off that bike. And instead of cursing the
ground and hating yourself for not being able to ride the
bike, the best thing you can do is laugh it off.

Tell yourself you are awesome for doing this, and get back
onto the bike as soon as possible.

To practice being playful, you want to understand what it is.

So what is being playful and flirting? 

At its root, it is essentially role-playing.

Here are a few of these basic role-plays you can pick up and
start to practice:

1.  I'm too sexy.

This is one of the best role-plays.  The basic idea is that
you are role-reversing: you are the sexy girl that is always
getting hit on. 

When you sit down next to her, you could say something like,
"I'm not sitting too close, am I? You're not going to get too
turned on, are you?"

You could complain how women are always trying to touch you,
and you need a bodyguard. Will she be your bodyguard?

You could tell her that you don't sleep with women until the
14th date, and that she needs to buy you dinner and show you
a good time first.

2.  You're too sexy.

This is also a really fun role-play. 

It's a great way to compliment her, without complimenting her. 

"Oh my god, you are way too sexy.  I'm only flesh and blood,
you know." 

"What are you doing? Every guy in here is jealous of me that
we're talking."

3.  You're screwing everything up.

Women actually love when you bust on them a little (in a
playful way), because it suggests that you are a high-value
man who has high standards. You're not the typical, nervous
guy her own age who would never dare tease her, for fear of
turning her off.

If she spills a drink, instead of saying, "it's okay, don't
worry about it," it would actually make her feel better if
you joked about it.  That would truly let her know it's okay. 

"Oh my god, I can't take you anywhere, go wait in the car."

Being playful is something you cultivate in yourself. You
can learn to be playful around women.

Try to do it everywhere you go. When you order coffee, tell
the cute girl behind the counter that you want 17 cups, and
then say, "No, I changed my mind. I'll just have one."

The more you do it in various situations, the more comfortable
you'll be when you get in front of that woman you are truly
interested in.

When you UNDERSTAND what is happening, how and why younger
women act the way they do, and how to make them feel
ATTRACTION, success with these women will eventually
come because your behaviors are REAL, they come across
as natural, real and as AUTHENTIC as it can EVER be to

    And if you want to learn MORE techniques on how to
meet, date and SLEEP with younger women (how they think, what
they're looking for in a man, etc) this is by far *the*
most IN-DEPTH education you can get on it:

    Everything you'll learn here are FIELD-TESTED,
not just stories for mere "entertainment". Take a look at
what others had to say about it:



3 Steps To Getting ANY Woman You Want Olalere
Simon Heong <>
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To:olalere <>

Hi Olalere,

In this issue:

o "3 Steps To Getting ANY Woman You Want"
o  How To Have 'Rockstar' Status In ANY Social Situation
o  Your Comments, Feedback


o "3 Steps To Getting ANY Woman You Want"

Your success with younger women is not dependent on how old
you are, or how large the gap is. The approach you use for a
woman your age will also work for someone younger--with a few
minor tweaks.

It really comes down to three things:

1. The image you present to the world.
2. The beliefs/thoughts you have running around in your head,
  your mindset.
3. Your selection criteria (ie how you select who you're going
  to approach)

Those are the same three things you'd focus on if there weren't
any age gap. Only the variables within each group change a

Women are women; the psychology of a woman doesn't change with
age. Only her focus does. 

1. Your Image

When I talk about your image, I don't mean the way you dress
(though that is an element of it). The image we're concerned
with is the one that she forms based on your external appearance,
your way of moving through the world, how you carry yourself,
what you say, how you interact with others, etc.

You want to be in total control of the kind of person she
thinks you are. Women don't just go for what's on the surface.

She's asking herself "what kind of person is he on the inside?"

The answer that you should have ready for her should be
something that overpowers any resistance to your age, looks,
height, weight, or anything else that is outside her normal

Women go for men who have what she wants.

That's really what it boils down to: Do you have what she

Sure, some of them want you to be Brad Pitt (who is over 40,
by the way. But, he's perceived as youthful because he's
presented that way). But, they'll gladly put aside good looks
and age if you have everything else she's been looking for.

With age comes many benefits. Experience, security,
understanding, and social status are all byproducts of
getting older.

If you want to attract younger women, forget about the age
difference and focus on the benefits that come from being
older. But your actions must speak louder than words.

You can't just talk about being more experienced and mature
than men her age. It has to be seen to be believed.

If you have to tell her, then you're not doing it right.

You have to start asking yourself, "What are the qualities
that make me attractive, despite my age?" And, honestly, if
I were you, I'd even drop that last part about your age.

Just ask yourself, why would anyone, regardless of how old
she is, want to be dating you?

I can promise you this: if you have attractive qualities
that make you desirable to women in general, then you
definitely have qualities that younger women will also find

While the mindset of a woman does change as she gets older,
they're all still attracted to the fundamentals. Demonstrate
to everyone around you that you're the man they either want
to be, or the man they want to be with.

Up to a certain point, you want to present yourself as
youthfully masculine. Don't get an earring and dye your
hair blonde. Just take care of your body; eat right and

Display healthiness, and you'll be associated with youthfulness.
Wear clothes that look good, and make you seem like you've
opened up a copy of GQ Magazine in the past year.

You should be doing that no matter how old you are, but if
you want to seem especially younger, you shouldn't be the
kind of guy who looks like he needs to relax at home after
a hard day of work.

Engage in strenuous physical activity. Hit the gym, go hiking
or ride a bike. Take dance classes. If you don't feel old,
you won't look old. Besides, younger women don't go for the
stay-at-home types. They're more likely to go for you if
you're bursting with energy.             

If you're clean-shaven or have a beard or a mustache, try
trading it in for the "haven't shaved in two days" stubble.

Studies have shown that women find this look attractive.

Again, it connotes a young, yet maturing appearance. It also
demonstrates a little rebelliousness, especially in older men.

Remember, it's all in service to the image she'll make up
in her head. In there, you need to seem youthful, energetic,
strong, experience, able to take care of her and satisfy
her. If you can conjure and cultivate the portrait of a
capable man, the age difference will have little meaning.

(This also applies to Asian women):

2. Your Mindset

What you project as your image has its roots in what you're
thinking right now. Who do you believe yourself to be?
What do you feel are the boundaries of your capabilities?

Let me ask you this: right now, do you feel like you can
easily pick up a desirable 25 year old? Do you feel that
you're at a disadvantage because of your age?           

Over the years, I've heard every excuse in the book, and I
can tell you that there are almost as many 25 year old
guys who don't think they can get a 25 year old girl, as
there are 45 year olds who think the same way.

It's not your age; it's your beliefs about your age that
hold you back. As I pointed out earlier, getting older has
its benefits.

But what if you were to truly believe that your age isn't
something to hide? What if you were proud of how old you

Remember: It's not your age that's the issue; it's HERS
that might be the issue.               

What if she's too inexperienced and too naive?

You're the right age, but she has to prove to you that
she's wise beyond her years. Or, at the very least, willing
to learn from you.

For some guys, believing this will take some work. Changing
beliefs isn't the easiest thing in the world, especially
if there are a whole bunch of other beliefs tangled up in

With patience and determination, however, you can start
to believe that you have an advantage over younger men.             

If you believe in yourself, possibilities open up.

The major factor here is confidence and self-assuredness.
I mean this in several ways. Not only does it mean that
you've got self-esteem and believe in your own self-worth,
but you're also fearless and will go after whatever it
is that you want.

That means you don't think twice about approaching a 20 or
30-something woman. Project the sense that a man of your
stature and confidence has gotten with younger women
before; this should look easy.             

You must exude the feeling that you've done this before,
and being with a younger woman is nothing out of the
ordinary. If you can truly grasp that and make it part of
your belief system, then you will project it to her.

It will make it that much easier for her to forget about
the age difference.

Being with a younger woman has to seem par for the course,
but you still want her to feel special. You're not going
after her because you need a younger woman. 

You're interested in her because she seems interesting as
a person. You just don't want her to feel that her age is
a big deal to you.

This kind of confidence comes from experience. It comes
from making a concerted effort to be comfortable in that
kind of situation.

If you're comfortable with women around your age, start
frequenting places with a slightly younger age bracket (eg
coffee shops), and start interacting slightly outside of
your comfort zone.

Work your way slowly, over the course of a few months, to
the age group you want.             

If you're 40, don't jump into a 20 year old's world without
experiencing some 30 year old and mid-late 20s women first.

Your mind and nervous system prefers gradual change, and

it's best to approach it that way if you want to acquire a
new set of permanent beliefs.

3. Your Selection Criteria

I have a 55 year old friend of mine who lives in India.
Every Monday, he goes to an American karaoke bar and sings
a few tunes. He doesn't have the best voice in the world, but
it is certainly a powerful one.

After his first number, he buys a handful of people around
him a round of drinks. Over the course of a few weeks from
when he started, he's become the guy that everybody knows.

Even in India, a place far more conservative than our United
States (and the rest of the western world), he's been able
to pick up several women under thirty at that bar.

That's because he embodies confidence and makes his
presence felt. As a result, he has social status. At that bar,
he's near the top of the pecking order.             

It's a mindset that he has cultivated, and one that is
accurately sent out as his image. The two cannot be

No matter who you select, she's looking for some type of
demonstration of the pecking order. You're expected to be
at the top because you're older. Those at the top take
care of the ones underneath him.

Don't mistake this to mean you pay for everything.

It's not like you have to pay for her college tuition.

Just a demonstration is all that's required. It shouldn't
look like a demonstration, either.

My friend has found a place that, for him, works well.
He's able to demonstrate his authority and youthfulness
among all age groups.

I think you'll benefit in finding the same.

Some bars, coffee shops, and even something like night
classes, would have a varied age group.

Of course, it isn't necessary to go "somewhere."

If you're confident in yourself, you'll be able find
women anywhere. But, for the sake of practice, it's a
good idea to find place where you can become a regular
and befriend a few people (yes, even men) younger than
you are.

One more thing to consider is that there are some women
who are more likely to disregard the age gap than others.

In my experience, the more intelligent the woman, the more
likely mature the man she dates. It's not an inalterable
rule, obviously, but it's a good starting point to find
receptive girls. Also, the more "alternative" she is
(in the way she dresses and what she believes in), the
more likely she'll overlook the age difference.

A vegetarian, for example, has an alternative mindset.

Ask yourself, "Why am I seeking out a younger woman?" I
know, the real answer is because you and I both want a
smoking hot chick in our beds so we can say, "I've still
got it."

Besides that, find some other answers for yourself.

What are you looking for?

Come up with some good answers that ring true for you,
and seek those types of women out. If you have a clearer
goal, it's easier to attain.

It took me a long time to figure out how to date & attract
younger women... and how to make them feel that powerful
physical and emotional response called ATTRACTION...

I can't tell you how much I wish I could have known what
I teach when I was younger. It's taken me literally YEARS
to put all the pieces together, and I invite you to take
advantage of the time, effort, energy, and money I've
invested to discover, refine, and organize all of the step-by-
step techniques I've put together here:

It will give you a SOLID foundation for thinking and
behaving like a guy who NATURALLY attracts women.

You know, there's nothing quite as exciting as seeing
a beautiful woman that you'd like to meet (esp the super hot
9s and 10s), then approaching her, starting a conversation,
and walking away with her number (or walking away with HER).

Question: Have you ever had an exotic dancer as a girlfriend?
I have... and I'm telling you, the feeling's OUT OF THIS
WORLD (it's something you must try AT LEAST once in your

Seducing and having a stripper/dancer (even if you
have no money and looks) as a girlfriend is every man's
fantasy. These women are experienced; EXTREMELY in tune
with their se.xuality and most important of all... they know
how to PLEASURE their man!

If you're at all curious of how certain guys end up DATING
and sleeping with these women, check this out (you'll
be kicking yourself wondering "why didn't I think of

I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

Simon H


o  How To Have 'Rockstar' Status In ANY Social Situation

Have you ever wished you could see through everyone's games
and manipulations so that YOU could control the conversation
or the interaction instead of being "played"? 

This program will give you a blueprint for handling anyone who
tries to manipulate you, including WHAT to say and HOW to say
it so that you're NEVER taken advantage of again.

You'll also learn how GENUINE and REAL connections are formed
between people, and how you can turn all your socializing
into WIN-WIN situations. You can check it out and get yours


o  Getting The Woman You Want By Being R.E.A.L

Do you ever feel like a woman can see right through you and the
methods you use to try to get her interested?

And that's how using routines and lines can actually cripple
your success with women, as it makes you look unoriginial,
cloned, instead of being UNIQUE. If you're sick and tired of
fake lines & fake attitudes and you want to know how to att.ract
women and build DEEP RAPPORT by just being YOURSELF, instead
of trying to be someone you're not, or use other people's words,
you'll be BLOWN AWAY by the 12+ hours of R.E.A.L. Game DVDs here:


o  Your Questions, Comments, Feedback

I'd like to hear from you!

PS - If you have any suggestions on what you'd like to know &
learn more off in our future newsletter issues, or if you'd
like to send share me a success story, question, or comment,
just write them here:

Don't forget to include in your initials and do tell me where
you're from!

What Women Want (Woman Bares All!): For U
Marni (Your Wing Girl) <>
Add to Contacts

Hi Friends,

My name is Marni.

I'm the founder of the Wing Girl Secrets: one of the world's
first and only dating advice services run by women for men.

Most dating and pick up sites are created by men - but we
think that no one can give you insights on the female mind
like another woman.

I believe in order to truly be successful with women you must
first understand women and what it is that they want from men.

Our job as Wing Girls is NOT to change you.

It is to help you become the BEST version of yourself by
becoming informed and experienced. 

Information and experience are the keys to self-assurance and
comfort.  And Self-Assurance and Comfort are what will make
you a man that understands women.

A man that can approach and engage any women without fear of
. A man that women will want!

So no more wasting time! We want to start giving you the
information you need right away to get started.

The promise that I need from you is the promise of ACTION. 

I am going to provide you with powerful information that will
guarantee success with women BUT none of this information
will work unless it is put to practice.

Watching 18 hours of PUA techniques is not going to get you
women. Absorbing the information and USING it in your every
day life will.

So What Does A Woman Want??!!


Someone Who Is:

Self Assured, Calm, Collected, Comfortable and Direct

This man may come in different packages and versions BUT the
foundation is always the same. 

Self Assured

This is man who is confident and believes he is worthy of great

He is not worried about rejection, never focuses on the "right
thing" to say and always goes after what the wants. Not in an
aggressive, jerky way.  But in a confident way. 


A calm man is one that can handle tension.  This means that if a
girl does not call him back he doesn't freak out. He doesn't
replay the interaction with the woman over and over and over
again to realize where he made mistakes. 

A calm man does not fall to pieces when confronted with a
difficult situation.  For example, when a woman throws out a

A man who panics and gets emotional when faced with a shit test
is not properly handling tension. Therefore he is failing as
a man in a woman's eyes.


Collected means, having your act together.  You are not overly
needy. You don't write 5 paragraph long intro emails and you
do not feel the need to instantly respond to texts.

You have a life. You have boundaries and you know what you want.

Once you have this belief in place and stick to it that
energy will come across to women.


Have you ever been around someone that you know is comfortable
in his or her own skin? It's intimidating right?  It makes
you more uncomfortable and it makes you want do things for
that person or with that person.

You feel this way because you want to become this way. 

Everyone wants to be comfortable. 

Especially women.

If women are with a man who exudes comfort, then they will
feel secure, safe and attracted.

This is the most important one.

Have you ever asked a woman what you are doing this weekend?

This question has multiple answers.

One could be: "I am going out with 5 other men who are not you."

Instead of making the above statement, try being more direct
by saying "I want to take you out this weekend." This statement
is clear, honest and leaves no room for interpretation.

Being direct and saying what you want is THE MOST ATTRACTIVE
thing you can do with women.

Now that I have gone through everything that women want, I
want to also tell you what women do not want.

Women Do Not Want A Man Who:

1.    Wants to be mothered
2.    Is needy and dependent
3.    Has no back bone and can be walked all over
4.    Is not positive
5.    Cannot handle tension
6.    Is aggressive and abrasive
7.    Doesn't know how to listen
8.    Can't understand women
9.    Is not proactive
10.    Has no life outside of the women he dates

... and get this: Once you understand how and why women
are attracted to certain types of men, and how the dating
'game' works
, you will see things in a whole NEW way.

Emotions of attraction can be 'sparked' in ANY woman...
whether it's a friend, a work colleague, your next door
, etc it doesn't really matter.

All you need is just to learn the right HOW to do it information
and you'll see how EASY it can be done. Here is your personal
download link to uncover it all:

I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Sis You Never Had,