"Asking That Special Girl Out For A Date"

It's a question that your average guy wonders when talking to a
woman for the first time.  He's enjoying the conversation,
think she's attractive, and wants to meet her to find out more.

So what's the secret to asking a girl out?  Truth is there
really is NO magical formula.  Most of the time, a conversation
filled with flirting and sexual tension will NATURALLY flow into
making plans for a future encounter. 

But with that being said, there are a few rules and guidelines
that you should follow if you want to turn a first conversation
into a date with a woman:

#1- Flirting Conversations

Above ALL things, a woman HAS to enjoy the conversation that
she's having with you!  If she's glancing around the room and
looking for a chance to escape, then a date with her will NOT
be in your future.

To make her want to date you, she HAS to feel sexual attraction.
Unless you create a feeling of chemistry, the BEST that'll
happen is she'll think you'll "make a great friend"...YUCK!

When you're talking to a girl, you MUST create sexual tension
by knowing how to use basic flirting techniques

You can flirt by teasing her, joking around, playing flirty
games, telling stories, and establishing rapport.  All of
these tactics will help you spark her interest. 

Truth is the MORE you successfully flirt at this point, the
EASIER it'll be to get that date!  Use the first 10-15 minutes
of the conversation to your advantage.  Show her that you're a
guy that she NEEDS to see again!

#2- Test Her Reaction

EVERYTHING you need to know about a girl's interest is found in
her body language.  In fact, it's been proven that 90% of all
human communication is done on a non-verbal level.

So even if she's smacking you and telling you "what a jerk you
are", her body language is saying something COMPLETELY

If you want to see if she's interested in a date, you have to
study her reaction to your flirting conversation. 

Here's your goal... When talking to this girl, you have to
sky-rocket her sexual attraction.  Whether it takes a few
minutes OR a few hours, you must build your conversation to the
point where you KNOW she's attracted to you.

How can you tell?  Well...EVERY woman has a NUMBER of signals
which indicate her level of interest. Here are some common
signs of attraction:

~~~> She keeps the conversation going by asking you personal

~~~> She's touching you throughout the conversation

~~~> She's laughing and fully engaged in what you have to say

~~~> She's teasing YOU back whenever you're joking with her

~~~> She starts to hint about what you like to do and ask what
you're doing during the week.

Now I personally think a lot of these are OBVIOUS signs of
interest.  Unfortunately most guys don't seem to pick them up. 
The honest truth is MOST of the time you'll simply *feel* when
"it's on" and when it isn't.  Use these signs as a guideline NOT
as the absolute truth!

#3- Getting the Date

A lot of guys put TOO much emphasis on bringing girls on the
PERFECT date.  If you want to impress her, don't TRY to impress
her.  Confusing, right?

The BEST date idea isn't something elaborate.  Instead it's
bringing her to an activity that you would NORMALLY do during
the week.  AND you ask her in a way that does NOT come across
as a date request. 

When the conversation is going well, simply think about what you
have going on during the upcoming week.  (In the "Flirt Mastery"
system you'll learn the importance of being a guy who is out
there doing fun, interesting things)

If you follow this advice, you should doing a LOT of things...
Are you meeting friends at a bar?  Are you going to a concert
or sporting event?  Even easer, are you going to the mall to

A date shouldn't be a formal, fancy event. It should a fun,
casual activity that gives you a chance to deepen the connection
you had during the first conversation.  The point is- If you've
done the previous two steps correctly (flirt and spark interest),
she will WANT to see you again.

At the moment when she's laughing AND having fun, you casually
mention what you're doing during the week.  THEN simply invite
her to come along with whatever you're doing and get her number.

It's really that simple! 

#4- Text and Call For Re-Attraction

Here's a FINAL step to ensure that this number turns into a

Without going to into TOO much detail here, women OFTEN
get "buyer's remorse" when giving out their number.  If you want
to keep her interest, you MUST maintain that sense of sexual
tension during the period between the number exchange and the
first date.

Bottom line is you have to work on RE-ATTRACTING her. The essence
of this technique is you call and text her to keep YOU in the
forefront of HER mind.  By STRATEGICALLY calling and texting her
with flirty messages, she'll subconsciously anticipate your
next encounter.

Asking a girl on a date doesn't have to be a complicated process.
As long as you're creating that fun vibe, it's easy to make her
interested in seeing you again.

By following the FOUR step plan that I outlined in this message,
you'll quickly make her NEED to see you again!

PS - Want to learn more? Download this -- I'm a (raving) fan!:

    By the way, if you're looking for a GUARANTEE.D way to
seduce and sleep with super hot younger women that are 5, 10,
even 30 years younger than you (but don't know how), you'll get
all your answers here:

Talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,